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Didactics of Music

The Study of
Musical Creativity

Knowledge of Music

Modern Music Analysis


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  Didactics of Music
Modern Music Analysis

To­day’s sci­en­tific ob­jec­tive age no longer concedes its great minds this kind of “heroism”, and in diligent ea­ger­ness the sim­ple inquisitive mind of the sci­en­tist at­tempts to convey an exact pic­ture of re­al­ity wher­ever he finds it.
Natu­rally, this sen­si­ble pur­pose­ful at­ti­tude of the ana­lyti­cal think­ers of our time – es­pe­cially of the quali­fied ones – is also found in the mu­si­cal crea­tors of the pre­sent.

The Interpreter as an Expert
Thus, to­day the time has come where our criti­cal con­tem­po­rary minds, through pro­found, sys­tem­atic sci­en­tifi­cally-ori­ented re­search verify the mecha­nism of in­ner crea­tiv­ity.

This also in­cludes the sim­ple, ob­jec­tive at­ti­tude, by which the com­poser ex­am­ines the com­po­nents which de­ter­mine his in­ner crea­tive proc­ess, and quantifies their re­spec­tive share in pro­duc­ing the mu­si­cal work.

The Magic Veil of Music
And the in­ter­preter, too, will be iden­ti­fied sim­ply as an ex­pert, and his plat­form – the raised stage – will be brought di­rectly into the au­di­ence.

At this point there­fore, we want to raise the magic veil of mu­sic and, through sim­ple re­flec­tion, place the in­ner se­cret of the magic power of mu­sic into the light of sys­tem­atic, sci­en­tific veri­fi­ca­tion.

  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
