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The System of the
Fields of Knowledge
in Music

The Function of the Fields
of Cognition in Music

Immediate Knowledge
of the Musical Meaning

The Structure of the Fields
of Cognition in Music

The Fields of Knowledge
of the Musical Representation

Patterns of Perfect
Education in Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




Theoretical Fundamentals
Patterns of Perfect Education in Music

In this man­ner, the ap­plied motif-tech­nique por­trays the course of our in­di­vid­ual gain­ing knowl­edge, and de­scribes on this basis: our un­fold­ment of char­ac­ter and our pro­gress on our in­di­vid­ual path of life.

The Forces of Individual Unfoldment in Music
The motif-tech­nique de­scribes the rules by which our proc­ess of cog­ni­tion un­folds. We know these rules as the very per­sonal maxims of our life and we con­ceive them most clearly as far as our per­sonal life is con­cerned on the level of our in­di­vid­ual con­sci­ence.

The mo­tifs them­selves rep­re­sent our in­ner cog­ni­tive forces, i.e. our in­ner in­di­vid­ual forces of mo­ti­va­tion which un­fold to the rules of our con­sci­ence.
And from the forces that move to the in­di­vid­ual life rules, in the flow of time the song of our in­di­vid­ual path of knowl­edge arises: the melody.

Musical Unfoldment to the Maxims of our Conscience
The ap­plied se­quence-tech­nique de­scribes the sum of our in­di­vid­ual ways of life. Per­ma­nently, in­di­vid­ual li­ves emerge from the se­quence, and oth­ers merge with it. In this re­spect, the ap­plied se­quence-tech­nique de­scribes the sum of in­di­vid­ual life-courses the whole as the sum of the in­di­vid­ual parts.

The Forces of Social Unfoldment in Music
The se­quence-tech­nique de­scribes the rules to which the in­di­vid­ual parts behave as they un­fold to­wards whole­ness; the se­quence-tech­nique de­scribes the re­la­tion of the in­di­vid­ual to the so­cial com­mu­nity, and by vir­tue of it, the great clas­si­cal com­pos­ers trace out in their com­po­si­tions pat­terns of per­fect in­di­vid­ual be­hav­iour in the com­mu­nity of men.

Rules of Social Evolution in Music
In so far, our clas­si­cal com­pos­ers es­tab­lish so­cial stan­dards with the help of the se­quence-tech­nique, and on this level of cre­at­ing mu­sic they pro­vide prac­ti­cal pat­terns of ex­peri­ence ex­am­ples of a more and more ful­fill­ing per­sonal life in so­ci­ety.

Social Standards in Music
But here and there it also oc­curs that, in their art, great clas­si­cal com­pos­ers mould en­tire peo­ples into a liv­ing entity with­out the in­di­vid­ual peo­ples be­ing af­fected in their in­di­vid­ual char­ac­ter on the con­trary in­deed: here, in the sound of mu­sic, means and ways are des­ig­nated for the mutual stimu­la­tion of en­tire peo­ples.

The Evolution of Peoples in Music
The mu­si­cal se­quences sym­bol­ize our so­cial forces by har­moni­cally com­bin­ing the in­di­vid­ual forces depicted in the mo­tifs with each other.

Thus, eve­ry se­quence is per­ma­nently in con­tact with quite a num­ber of mo­tifs which cir­cle the se­quence like a swarm of fish swim­ming around their mother fish.

Musical Education of Leaders
Just as small fish play­fully swim about their mother fish and to the laws of a higher or­der some­times move to­gether in this or in that di­rec­tion, some­times dashing com­pletely apart and rush­ing back to each other again, in the same man­ner the mo­tifs, with their mul­ti­tude of in­di­vid­ual ac­tion, move around the se­quence and the sounds again float around the mo­tifs in the mu­si­cal sound-space, like the plan­ets in space float around their suns.

Leadership Qualities in Music
These plan­ets are set into and kept in motion by the mo­tifs, from the in­ner exuberance of those be­ings that are dis­played in the mo­tifs un­der the loving guid­ance of the se­quences, on which the mo­tifs natu­rally lean in a mu­sic un­fold­ing har­mo­ni­ously, just as chil­dren thrive on their par­ents in a har­mo­ni­ous fam­ily.

The Process of Teaching and Learning in the Shape of Music
 With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
