Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®



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Musical Confrontation
of Feeling and

The Nourishing Flood
of Pure Alertness in
the Harmony

The Musical Dispute

The Understanding
without the Perfect
Nourishment of Pure

The Process of
Intellectual Clarification
in Music

Feeling and
Understanding in the
World of the Harmony

The Absolute Sound-
Substance in Perfect

The Musical Dispute
as the Most Free Kind
of Playful Diversity

Musical Depreciation

Structural Musical
Analysis of Values

Breaking Off the Cognitive Process in Music

Natural Structuring
of the Sound Pattern
in Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




Theoretical Fundamentals
Structural Musical Analysis of Values

In our proc­ess of gain­ing knowl­edge in mu­sic, a sys­tem­atic eval­ua­tion iden­ti­fies dif­fer­ent stages of cog­ni­tion.

The First Stage of Cognition during Listening
By means of the physi­ol­ogy of our ear we per­ceive the tone which reverberates in the acous­tic space, and this is our first step to­wards knowl­edge.
Now one can eas­ily doubt the cor­rect or com­plete per­cep­tion of our or­gan of hear­ing.

The com­plete­ness of our per­cep­tion can be veri­fied by ex­amin­ing the tone, which reverberates in the acous­tic space, with our hear­ing and with meas­ur­ing in­stru­ments si­mul­ta­ne­ously, and by com­par­ing the re­sults of the in­stru­ments with the re­sults of our hear­ing. Natu­rally, in this case only that as­pect of the tone is be­ing ex­am­ined that can be meas­ured physi­cally-struc­tur­ally.

In our analy­sis we mu­sic lovers go a few steps fur­ther – be­cause we hear mu­sic, and not just a sin­gle tone – and ex­am­ine the in­ner shape of the tone by means of our fac­ulty of logic.
By means of our un­der­stand­ing, we ex­am­ine the struc­tural changes of the tone, and by means of our feel­ing we ex­am­ine the in­ner na­ture of these struc­tural changes.

Integrated Structural Analysis of Music
If our cog­niz­ing un­der­stand­ing finds that the struc­tural changes of the sound are not really har­mo­ni­ous, but rather in steps or pe­ri­odi­cal, then we infer the absence of a liv­ing soul – of a liv­ing mu­si­cal for­ma­tive force in a tone – or a lack of life in the mu­si­cal state­ment, and we miss the mu­si­cal mean­ing.
Our in­tel­lect, there­fore, re­lates the mean­ing of that kind of sound – in ref­er­ence to its struc­ture – to the ma­te­rial world, i.e. to our physi­ol­ogy.

Perceiving the Enlivened and Unenlivened Nature in Music
This is where the ori­gin of schematic dance is lo­cated.
The lis­tener be­gins to move his body to the ma­te­rial struc­ture of the tone – he taps the beat, for ex­ample, with his foot or with other parts of his body, or he be­gins to dance by rote to the sim­ple pat­terns of the mu­sic.

The Origin of Schematic Dance
The cause of these physi­cal kinetic im­pulses we find hid­den in the atomic or mo­lecu­lar struc­ture of the mu­si­cal sound-space.
And this lim­ited kind of tonal-struc­tural move­ment finds its equiva­lent in man, in our physi­ol­ogy.

Musical Basis of the Physical Kinetic Impulses of the Listener
Thus, in a com­pletely natu­ral man­ner, we lis­ten­ers react physio­logi­cally with mechanistic move­ments to that which, by its very struc­ture, con­cerns our physi­ol­ogy.

From the re­sound­ing event our feel­ing gathers its dy­namic im­pulse, and trans­forms its stepwise struc­ture into the im­pulse of our physio­logi­cal mo­tions.
At the same time, on the basis of the tonal struc­ture, our un­der­stand­ing de­ter­mines the kind of our mo­tions.

Manipulating the Physiological Structure of Movement
If mu­sic, then, is struc­tured in such a way that its ele­ments, the tones, appear to our ana­lyz­ing in­tel­lect in steps and in pe­ri­odi­cal seg­ments, then it is suited for schematic dance mu­sic, and in­deed, it even forces us into the world of primi­tive danc­ing motion.

The Unenlivened World of Music Seizes Control over the Listener
And it de­pends on the sim­plic­ity or com­plex­ity of the pe­ri­odi­cal or­ders or steps within the sub­tler tone pat­terns, whether the dance will appear clumsy or grace­ful.

 With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
