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Micro Music Laboratories®



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The Fallacy in Gaining
Knowledge in Music

No Deduction in the
Absolute Musical
Force-Field of the Harmony

The Contradictory in
Gaining Knowledge
in Music

The Answer Being
Equivalent to the
Question in Music

The Level of Perfect
Creativity of the Absolute

The Unproved in
Gaining Knowledge
in Music

The Secret Rulers of
the Tonal Stars of Music

The Secret Ruler
of All Music

Knowing the Unreality
of the Outer Musical

The Belated


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




Theoretical Fundamentals
The Answer Being Equivalent
to the Question in Music

In our proc­ess of gain­ing knowl­edge in mu­sic, again and again we looked for more com­pre­hen­sive truth.
Prac­ti­cally, this meant that in the field of our feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing we were aspiring to the state of greater and greater ful­fil­ment.

The Listener’s Quest for More Comprehensive Truth
The an­swer to this ques­tion we then re­ceived on a cor­re­spond­ingly higher level of mu­si­cal cog­ni­tion, in the ex­peri­ence of deeper, qui­eter hap­pi­ness in our feel­ing, and in the ex­peri­ence of more rest­ful alert­ness on the level of our un­der­stand­ing.

The Musical Answer to the Quest for More Comprehensive Truth
So, in this proc­ess of know­ing, we started off from a given status quo of our knowl­edge, or of our ful­fil­ment re­spec­tively, and step by step we aspired to higher knowl­edge, or ful­fil­ment re­spec­tively; we strove for cer­tain goals and reached them, and we strode on to the next goal, and reached it as well.

Step by Step the Listener Strives for Higher Musical Knowledge
One by one, we went through dif­fer­ent strata of knowl­edge, and we ar­rived at cor­re­spond­ingly dif­fer­ent stages of in­tel­lec­tual and emo­tional ful­fil­ment. We saw the strata of knowl­edge as be­ing sepa­rated in space, and we ex­peri­enced our stages of knowl­edge as be­ing sepa­rated in time; and be­tween our dif­fer­ent stages of knowl­edge there was a new phase in our proc­ess of know­ing, and it meant an in­crease of our state of ful­fil­ment.

Step by Step the Musical Tools of Cognition Awaken
Now, in the field of the har­mony, we real­ize that the de­sire, the proc­ess of its ful­fil­ment, and the com­pletely ful­filled de­sire are one; and we real­ize that this phe­nome­non is based on the na­ture of this in­fi­nite force-field of the har­mony – based on the na­ture of our own pure self-aware­ness.

Desire and Fulfilment of Desire Unified in the Harmony
Now, in this per­fect world of ex­peri­ence so new to us, we find that with our ques­tion for truth the com­pre­hen­sive an­swer is al­ready given, that with a de­sire for ful­fil­ment si­mul­ta­ne­ously ful­fil­ment it­self arises over­whelm­ingly in our world of ex­peri­ence – with­out a sepa­ra­tion in space or in time. For this su­preme mu­si­cal proc­ess of know­ing so new to us pro­ceeds com­pletely be­yond space and time.

Question and Answer Unified in the Absolute Now of the Harmony
While, in the field of the mu­si­cal sound-space, we still ex­peri­enced the ques­tion and the an­swer for the mu­si­cal mean­ing as very dis­tinct from one an­other, these two com­po­nents of gain­ing knowl­edge be­gan to grow closer to­gether in our in­ner space of imagi­na­tion as we ex­peri­enced the motif-space; and in the se­quence-space then, ques­tion and an­swer had al­ready come quite close to each other.
In the in­fi­nite space of the har­mony the ques­tion and the an­swer for the mu­si­cal mean­ing melted into unity, and we real­ized that this level of our pure self-aware­ness is the ideal, pure field of our ful­fil­ment of de­sires.

The Creative Music Listener Localizes His Ideal Field of the Pure Fulfilment of Desires
 With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
