Micro Music Laboratories®
Micro Music Laboratories®
Ethnic Music


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The Systems of
Order in Music


in Understanding as Reflected by Language

The Beginnings of
Musical History

New Sound Composer
of the 20th Century and the
Range of Intervals

to the Transcendental
Play of Music

Musical Insight into the Culture of Peoples

Musical Relationships

The Musical Path
to Self-Knowlegde



The Counterpoint

The Threefold Perfect
Form of the Harmony

Relations in Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  The Systems of Order in Music

In the sys­tem of po­lyph­ony, on the other hand, ho­moph­ony is only one of in­fi­nitely many pos­si­bili­ties, and it rep­re­sents the to­tally un­real, the nonmu­si­cal case in which time is fix­ated – and its flow con­stant.

Fixed Time – Constant Flow of Time
Thus ho­moph­ony, as op­posed to po­lyph­ony, rep­re­sents eve­ry kind of heavyness.

Po­lyph­ony, how­ever, ful­fils all re­quire­ments for the free­dom of mu­si­cal crea­tiv­ity. It is the realm in which the mo­tifs, un­der the moth­erly guid­ance of the se­quence-tech­nique, can un­fold into in­fi­nite mul­ti­plic­ity and ex­pand through­out all the mu­si­cal sound-spaces, thus struc­tur­ing and enli­ven­ing the world of mu­sic in the same way as chil­dren fill the home of the fam­ily with life.

The Free Realm of Musical Creativity
In po­lyph­ony the mu­si­cian finds a mani­fold world of men­tal-spiri­tual free­dom – that free­dom which in a free play struc­tures the in­ner world of man and thus is the world of beauty, the world of great or­ders.

Polyphony – the Play of Freedom
Po­lyph­ony is the an­cient, im­mor­tal, lively form of mu­sic, the true-to-life form of the mu­sic of our fu­ture. It means free­dom for the paths of the mo­tifs, for the un­fold­ment of the melo­dies, for the lead­ership of the se­quences.

The True-to-Life Form of the Music of Our Future
The great clas­si­cal forms of mu­sic dis­tin­guish them­selves by striv­ing with great impetus from homo­phonic to­wards poly­phonic forms, thus in­spir­ing man to greater per­sonal and so­cial free­dom of un­fold­ment.

The Path from Homophony to Polyphony
Hav­ing brought to per­fec­tion the side-by-side play­ing un­der the baton of the con­duc­tor, the con­ven­tional prac­tice of per­form­ance is, as far as in­ner-hu­man val­ues and edu­ca­tion are con­cerned, very lit­tle pre­pared for the free world of po­lyph­ony and thus for true mu­sic. In terms of poly­phonic per­form­ance, con­se­quently, en­tirely new tasks emerge for the mu­sic edu­ca­tion.

The Baton of the Conductor-Gladiator in the Conventional Performance
Genu­ine mu­si­cal per­form­ance finds it ful­fil­ment, when true mu­si­cians glo­rify each other by har­mo­ni­ously play­ing to­gether with­out a “gladiator” at the con­duc­tor’s podium enforcing monotony.

New Tasks for Music Education from the Polyphony
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
