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Scientific Fundamentals of
Music Aesthetics

The Image of
Musical Beauty

The Embodiments
of Harmony

Motivation and Responsibility of the

Reversal of the Reality
of Creating Music

Analysis of the Process
of Creating Music

Music Theory

The Natural Potential
of the True Artist

Synthesis of the
Artistic and Cultural
Achievement of Music


Peter Hübner
Founder of the
Micro Music Laboratories




  Scientific Fundamentals of Music Aesthetics
The Embodiments of Harmony

Thus, the har­mony radi­ates as the one great soul of the com­po­si­tion through­out the en­tire mu­si­cal work.
This uni­ver­sal soul mani­fests in the mul­ti­plic­ity of the in­di­vid­ual souls, in the forms of se­quence and mo­tifs; but har­mony is also mani­fest in the in­ani­mate world of mu­sic, the mu­si­cal sound-space.

The Holistic Function of the Harmony in the Musical Work
Har­mony it­self has in­fi­nitely many as­pects which are ex­pres­sed in the un­bounded di­ver­sity of the mo­tifs, the melo­dies, and the se­quences. Yet, all these dif­fer­ent fea­tures and forms are but the col­our­ful ex­pres­sion of the one har­mony play­ing with it­self, within it­self – ac­cord­ing to its own pow­er­ful laws.

The Features and Forms of the Harmony
The knowl­edge of these laws of mu­si­cal un­fold­ment lies be­tween the in­ner hear­ing and the in­ner cog­niz­ing in an area of the mind, which in­te­grates hear­ing and cog­niz­ing.

The Musical Force-Fields between Inner Hearing and Inner Cognizing
From within the har­mony, all the laws of mu­sic aspire to their ap­pli­ca­tion through the har­mony-tech­nique. The har­mony-tech­nique also sym­bol­izes the as­pi­ra­tion of all the laws of mu­sic to ex­press them­selves in the world of mu­sic.

Thus, the har­mony-tech­nique joins the beauty and power of the har­mony, rest­ing within them­selves, with the sound­ing world of enli­vened mu­sic, and ex­pres­ses this truth in its purest form on the level of the se­quence.

The Harmony-Technique Functioning as Holistic Law
Af­ter a long jour­ney through the dif­fer­ent lev­els of the com­po­si­tion the har­mony even­tu­ally reaches the im­me­di­ate prox­imity of the mu­si­cal sound-space where it ex­pres­ses it­self in the power and beauty of the song of the melody.

The Long Journey of the Harmony through the Musical Levels of Creativity
The in­te­grated di­ver­sity of the se­quences, melo­dies, and mo­tifs enli­vens within the lis­tener the world of his in­ner cog­ni­tion and a natu­ral aware­ness of his own in­ner power: the pro­found feel­ing of free sov­er­eignty over his in­ner po­ten­tial of hap­pi­ness.

The Domain of the Musical Force-Fields
The mu­si­cian who, when mu­si­cally struc­tur­ing the sound-space, wants to ex­press this in­ner lively world out­wardly, will ini­tially en­coun­ter dif­fi­cul­ties, be­cause some­thing from inside can­not read­ily be trans­formed into some­thing out­side.

The Inner Dimension of the Interpretation
To mas­ter this task of ex­press­ing com­pre­hen­sive hu­man val­ues through the in­ter­pre­ta­tion re­quires great ideals and the aware­ness of a deep, con­scious re­spon­si­bil­ity to­wards hu­man­ity.

Love of mu­sic is es­sen­tially a qual­ity of the lis­tener. In the in­ter­preter, in the mu­sic ex­pert, it is the love of man­kind which must domi­nate if he wants to pro­mote the good in the world through mu­sic.
And when the mu­si­cian ful­fils this re­quire­ment, he will have the ba­sic at­ti­tude needed to ac­com­plish the la­bo­ri­ous proc­ess of truth­ful con­vey­ance of mu­sic un­per­turbed, and he will emerge from it ful­filled.

Examining the Interpreter's Intentions
  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
